Saturday, March 19, 2011

Full moon and steroids....

So I havent written in a couple of days, lots going on.
I have had 2 sick little girls, which means no sleep for mommy and grumpy little girls in the morning. Or maybe just grumpy mommy. They sleep, but I cant sleep when they are sick, especially when coughing is involved. But after a trip to the dr we found out that its just an unhealed ear infection for Lacey, and asthma being irritated by allergies for Abby. So the dr gave Abby some inhaled steroids for her nebulizer and an oral steroid. This has made Abby sooooooo grumpy and fussy!! Everything is HUGE deal! Everything is worth crying, fussing or fighting over! My little girl has been replaced with a monster on a huge roid rage! The inhaled med might have to be taken for some time, but thankfully the oral steroid is only for a couple of days. Not to mention the super moon tonight, which since its super, it has had super powers to make Jimmy just go crazy!! He has just been in one of those moods where if he knows he isnt supposed to do it...he does it, if you tell him not to do something, he does it. But he still has had his sweet little boy moments that I love so much. He helped Lacey ride her little bike today and it was so cute! And he has been willing to help Abby while she has been sick, she gets real bad coughing spells and needs to sit and breath for a minute, and he helps her do that. And always asks her if she is ok. SO after no sleep, 2 children that puke at different times, fighting and arguing, and a negleted messy house...I am officially ready to pull my hair out! But thankfully its temporary, hopefully everyone will be feeling better soon and this nasty pollen will go away so Abby can be back to normal!
Now the good things that have happened in the past couple of days...
Abby got her new pink guitar and has been enjoying being "taylor swiss" and singing all sorts of amazing songs! And miss Lacey is a great back up singer! Jimmy is doing well reading his "chapter book" he got "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" the other day from the library (even though the dumb librarian told him not to...WTH..a librarian telling him not get a book!) and he can read it with very little help! And my wedding invitations came in the mail today and its time to get them addressed and mailed out!! So excited!! Well thats all for now...time to go cuddle on the couch and watch some TV!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A firm believer...

Well I have always been a firm believer in "everything happens for a reason" and today once again it was proven to me. I was picking Jimmy up from the bus stop and he had just gotten in the car, instead of turning around and going back to the guard gate, I was going to leave so we could go to the library. Well he was taking his sweet time (as 6 year olds do) putting his seat belt on. I was getting frustrated and was just about to say "C'mon Jimmy hurry up!" when I hear a loud BAM and looked down the road to see a six car pile up (the first car that was rear ended happened to be waiting to make a left hand turn in the same spot that I needed to). I picked up my phone and was dialing 911 and I was seeing at least 5 teenagers getting out of their cars obviously in pain and hurt. The high school lets out the same time Jimmys bus gets there. Long story short, if Jimmy would have put his seat belt on, exactly at the time that I wanted him to, there is no doubt in my mind I would have been in that pile up...probably waiting behind that guy to make a left hand turn. So sometimes I guess I can be grateful he dosent always listen...I am going to be grateful for a 6 year old that likes to take his time! Going down the road and listening to Jimmy talk about the accident I broke down into tears realizing what could have been and just gave Jimmy a hug. 
Ok enough of the serious stuff. 
I made a typo which was brought to my attention by some people...Dave and I ARE engaged! Even he brought that typo to my attention LOL!
I was laying in bed last night and I couldnt sleep, and I kept thinking about what I could blog about. But this evening I had a little girl with a fever of 102 and another one that just didnt want to stop crying so my mind is fried! But somehow through all of that craziness, my house is clean and my kids are alive. Which brings me to something else. This whole cleaning lady thing is still on my mind. I love the gift...its awesome! But its sooooo weird having someone else do the work that I am completely capabale of doing. And then I wonder if someone gifted me a housekeeper because I suck at cleaning?? Which is very possible cause I will be the first to admit I am not the best housekeeper! I had to reschedule her coming tomorrow because Abby was sick...but before I did that, I was cleaning to get ready for the housekeeper LOL! It has helped me a lot though. I have more time to take care of things I wouldnt normally go through boxes that I have needed to go through for a long time! I guess I should accept and be grateful for the help...but in a way somehow I feel less of a mother for it. Is that weird?? Ok well Lacey is fussing again...good night everyone! 

Monday, March 14, 2011

Where to start...

Well I will start off by saying I am slightly disappointed that they dont have comic sans as an option for font...thats my favorite. Oh well! First off I will say if you are looking for a blog with great tips on how to cook all organic meals, hair and make up tips, how to fit yoga into your busy schedule then you have come to the wrong blog!
I think i am pretty normal really. I am a stay at home mom of 3. Jimmy is 6 and in first grade, Abby is 5 and will be starting kindergarten in the fall and my youngest Lacey is 15 months. They keep me busy and entertained!
Let me start with some short background info. I am 27 (and hating the fact that in 3 years I will be 30) and I living in Pawleys Island, SC (about 20 mins south of myrtle beach). My oldest 2 kids are from a previous marriage. I was 20 when I had my son and at the time I was in love, so we got married and moved to NC. By the time I was 5 months pregnant with my daughter he decided he was no longer in love and I moved back to VA. Well with no financial help and working full time and paying for day care, this became difficult by the time Abby was born. SO I moved to SC with my mom to save money. And here I am!
Life had its many ups and downs. I was a heart broken single mother that didnt know how to deal with life and I was a MESS! But after many changes I am who I am today. And I really do love life today. Well life is normal to me. Many look at my life abnormal. I am not engadged to my best friend and the love of my life, who is the father of Lacey. And he is 23 years older than I am...yes, you read that right...23 years! I am sure people say what they say. But I have never been with a man that is more understanding, patient, kind, and has NEVER once put me down to make himself feel better about himself. He has never said one word out of anger towards me. He works hard so I can stay home with the kids, because he knows thats what I want and thats what makes me happy. And he dosent bitch if I decided to take a lazy day and something wasnt done. Which is much different than I have ever experienced.
My reason for starting this blog is because there are so many "mom" blogs out there. But I feel they lack honesty.  They write about what organic food they made, what farmers market is the best, what 80 dollar jeans make thier ass look the best, what wine tasting they are excited for *side note I dont drink*, just different little things like that. Which is nice...but I rarely see the days the blog about how thier kids woke up and plotted against them to see how crazy they could drive mommy that day! Or how many times you have picked up the same toy in the same exact spot in the room, or how your idea of a makeover is when your 5 year old paints your nails and brushes your hair (which by the way is way better than an 80 dollar haircut!!). And no...I dont think my kids plot  against me in the morning to see how crazy they can drive me...i am not that crazy!! LOL! But when I have time thats what this blog will be about.
The latest argument today. Was getting Abby to eat meat. I am not sure how she was born into this family...she isnt a meat eater...its very weird...but she will shovel down the carbs...which I realize isnt good. So to get another biscuit during dinner she had to eat 2 pieces of meat. You would have though I asked her to eat the whole frickin cow!! But at least this time her brother went along with the cheers and celebration after she ate it. Because, no lie, she is so stubborn...she will cry for an hour over one piece of bread before she eats the meat! And before people get all weird, I am not forcing her to eat meat...if she would eat veggies I would be ok, but she dosent. all she wants is carbs...and thats not cool.
Anyway...stay tuned for more good stuff in the days to come...the good, the bad and the ugly...but there are plenty of good stuff in my family and I love it!!